GIL - Garnet Instruments Ltd.
GIL stands for Garnet Instruments Ltd.
Here you will find, what does GIL stand for in Firm under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Garnet Instruments Ltd.? Garnet Instruments Ltd. can be abbreviated as GIL What does GIL stand for? GIL stands for Garnet Instruments Ltd.. What does Garnet Instruments Ltd. mean?The Canada based company is located in Sherwood Park, Alberta engaged in oil & energy industry.
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Alternative definitions of GIL
- Gilgit airport
- Gildan Activewear, Inc.
- Gammon India Ltd
- Granules India Limited
- Gabriel India Limited
- Graphite India Ltd.
- Gamut Infosystems Limited
- Garg Inox Ltd
View 77 other definitions of GIL on the main acronym page
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- GEC Gallo Equipment Co
- GMCC Greater Mystic Chamber of Commerce
- GEIS Gamut Early Intervention Services
- GHB Georgia Heritage Bank
- GCN George Cameron Nash
- GOS Grand Office Supply
- GBH Garden Beach Hotel
- GCPTCL Gujarat Chemical Port Terminal Company Limited
- GEES Group Express Employment Services
- GSIWML GSI Wealth Management Ltd
- GCF Guelph Community Foundation
- GRA The Green Room App
- GPEC General Packaging Equipment Company
- GHG Georgia Healthcare Group
- GCTA Golden Class Travel Agency
- GSC Girl Skateboards Company